
Benefits of Central Liability Ledger Module


We scramble our daily data, figure out reports that are not matched or balanced and most of the time we become panicky when BSP auditor comes into our doors.

Most of the time, this happens because reports are done manually. Balancing of reports becomes an acrobatic balancing act, a bad experience for sure.

MB Philippines is always dedicated to providing rural banks with efficient core banking systems. In its almost twenty years of existence, MBPhil has never been as excited we are now about introducing the Central Liability Ledger Module for both MBv8 and MBWin. As far as our growing CLL users are concerned, the CLL module can achieve maximum productivity. The Monitoring of large exposures and credit risk concentrations to comply with MORB has never been this easy. Likewise, the Loan officer can now see all the credit history and outstanding loan accounts of a particular client. During loan application process, the bank staff can now search the customer’s name from the CLL program to inquire whether he or she has an existing loan, payment trackrecord, negative listings and how much the loan is. In doing so, the bank can easily manage the risk exposure for a particular client. These are just some of the benefits that the new product offers. As a rural banker, you’d want to have the following features in your system, whether it’s MBv8 or MBWin:

For MBv8
• On-screen Display of Related Loan Account Information and Loan History
• Loan Account Report with Co-maker Information
• Top Borrowers Report
• On-screen Display of Related Savings Information and Closed Account History
• Relationship with Other Clients

For MBWin
• Deposit accounts across all branches
• Loan accounts across all branches
• Deposit accounts where the customer is a co-owner
• Loan accounts where the customer is a co-maker
• Client summary report

You think these are essential? We think so too. We know that in this fast-paced world people need to keep up with the demands of the market. False information about the borrower could be millions of money wasted. But if you invest in our Central Liability Ledger Module the risk will be controlled thus you keep your bank running smoothly.